Easily – And Accurately – Share your Events by Email

Turn your Google Events Calendar into Mailchimp Email Newsletters

7-day free trial and money back guarantee

Share your Google Calendar Events by email and spread the word, faster

Include the events you want

Select events from 1 day to 12 months to add to your newsletter, or use a custom date range instead.

Select events by date
Create multiple templates

Make multiple templates

Create multiple event newsletter templates for fully automated recurring email newsletters

Select your design

Choose from several ready-to-go designs or create your own template (visual or HTML) with only the details you need

Choose from designs
Event groupings

Handle larger numbers of events

Create event groupings to improve readability

Automatically embed events from Google Calendar into email newsletters

Automatically insert events into one or more of your Mailchimp email campaigns... no copy-pasting details and making mistakes!

Auto insert events

Ready to get the easiest way to create your event newsletters from your Google Calendar events?

7-day free trial and money back guarantee